1:27 AM
Lost the meaning...Seriously.... I just feel that I have lost the meaning of the following words:
- Nights out
- CV attire
- Vending Machine
- Walking (not marching) from point to point..
At least until 2 months later.... Don't wanna talk so much here le...
Labels: NS
Victor Lim
Saturday, February 27, 201012:18 AM
Life in 21SA after Course in Arty Institute (AI)Yes... Life is gonna be much more tougher... 1st impression already gave me a negative feeling, to the extent that people there whom we saw them sweep the leaves on the road telling us "welcome to hell". Heard of the negative stuffs that they have, and it's all true...
No doubt, life in 21SA is gonna be at least 100 times more xiong den back in AI i believe, but I gotta learn to look on the bright side of it.. Yes, I complained and keep whining bad things about it, but I think this is not going to last throughout my stay in 21SA till I ORD next year August... I must think of positive things, like I believe that I am able to get Gold, or at least Sliver for my IPPT, and perform well in my role as a GA... Everyday in camp, no matter how tough or xiong or ridiculous the training can be, I must choose to carry the joy of the Lord in my heart. It's the joy that carries the strength that I need for my daily life especially in camp.
Perhaps, my life in BMT and in 6th AOC @ AI has been pretty slack and relaxed, and now I kena posted to this 21SA, which I really (3x) have cultural shock in a very xiong way... And especially when right now I know that I am allocated to battery line, just don't know which battery, and life in there can be even more tougher as compared to HQ line, and no matter how sick and tired I am going to be, I must choose to rely more on God and less of myself, because I know and I know that all these while, I keep depending on my own strength until I am pretty drained out, and right now, I believe this is the time....
Like what my CGL shared to me yesterday during the BS with me, my quiet time has to be interesting and new, in a sense that I don't do the usual quiet time style every time, and like what she shared and what I feel about myself, I need to really start changing for the better. I realised for the past few weeks, whenever I go for service or CG or serving in Usher Ministry, the feeling that I have is much different from the past before my NS... I used to be full of passion, and being an active helper in my CG, right now it has changed a lot from bad to worst... Everytime I will ask "where is my turning point of my life?", and when will I start prospering in my life, this answer may seem to come but always never come so far until now... Until yesterday when she shared a verse with me....
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."
- 3 John 1:2 (NKJV)
The words "just as your soul prospers" stumbled me when I read that, and reflecting back, I find that it is very true why am I not prospering in my life... My soul already like quite cui, how to expect myself to prosper in all things and be in (good) health?
And everytime when I seem to forget the things that I have thought, I pray that God will lead me back to this blog and refer back to this blog entry, and always be reminded the things that God reveals or said to me through things and people around me....
Till then, I expect improvement for myself for the next few months at least....
P.S: and oh yea, I can't forget that everything that I have right now is from the grace of God, even the 2 days off for my unit, and a lot of other things....
Victor Lim
Sunday, February 07, 20106:40 PM
Hurting reflections and thoughtsGonna do a bit but hurting reflection on myself right now since I'm in a mood of doing so..
Thinking back, comparing my BMT days and my current course in AI, I find that I got 1 common worry and mistakes which upsets me...
Remember during the schooling days, we tend to say something like "all the things we learnt all give back to teacher already"?
Well... That happens for my BMT and my current course as well. I tend to have short-term memory at times (or many times?) and the important things that I learnt, especially in my current course, I can even get blurred, confused, messed up, and even FORGET the concepts behind it. Just 2 more weeks to end of the course and the rest of my NS life will be spent in the unit that I am gonna posted to, and if I still like that by then, my unit life will be damn miserable...
Also, being an IC for my course last Thursday and Friday, though it's a new experience for me cos I haven't being an IC in a course/platoon level with funny and memorable encounters like "stand by area" incident, but still, when people asked me "how? being IC good?", my answer will still be "NO"... Imagine being "tekan" and cause inner hurts in me, tell me is it fun or not?!
Now that the burden of being an IC is lifted away, I feel slightly better and really wanna make use of this coming week to really seek God and ask for restoration and heal my inner hurts, and also to mould and change me from the inside out for the better, so that after 2 weeks time from now, when I am being posted to unit, I won't suffer that much, at least for the weak points that I mentioned above...
And my time has come for the worst this coming Friday and Saturday, but at least I am not alone or with another coursemate, cos at least got the OCT ppl and I pray that I can really come back home this coming Saturday for reunion dinner with my family for this year CNY.
Having to miss the CNY church service on Friday night is already enough for me le, and I really don't want this year to be the first year that I don't get to have reunion dinner...
Pray and trust God for better things to come and for grace to come upon me....
God bless...
Victor Lim
Sunday, January 24, 20107:11 PM
The feeling of Booking In...1st of all, thank God for the confinement weekend postponed, so that I can freely go out meeting friends, going for 1st cell group meeting of the year, launch of Chinatown deco lightings + firecrackers 2010, attending church service just now, and now back home. Lately I feel that my weekends has getting shorter, especially when I know and I know that the confinement weekend awaits me but don't know when.. Every Sunday, after church service & fellowship, I always have to try to rush back home ASAP or elsewhere to get things done before booking in, and I starting to treasure the time spending with friends even more...
It's Sunday late evening now (7:25pm) and I still got my lunch to settle at home + bathing and time left for me is really not much.. In fact it's gonna be rushing for me... I got to leave house at around 8:15pm latest to go to Sheng Siong @ Ten Mile Junction and then rush to meet my bunkmate to booking in early...
And (sorry to use the word "damn") my mum is rushing me for dinner and I feeling kinda frustrated and don't have the sense of peace in my heart right now... Really what I feel like doing is, before I sleep in my bunk later, I really wanna quieten down myself before God, and really wanna pray and ask for restoration in my heart and the peace of God to flow in me....
Whether my confinement gonna be this coming weekend or following weekend or etc, I gotta be ready for it, and not gonna waste the weekend in camp doing things that is not worth of value to me and to God...
Before I end off here, just wanna share this song with every reader here... (from Youtube) It's a very touching worship song that I just can't stop listening...
I Have Come To Bow Down
I will come and bow down
At Your feet Lord Jesus
In Your presence
Is fulness of joy
There is nothing
There is no one
Who compares with You
I take pleasure in
Worshiping You Lord
Victor Lim
Sunday, January 17, 20108:10 PM
Some thoughts againAs I am spending my final few minutes at home before I gonna miss home, friends outside army, cell group and church service + fellowship for 1 week, I happened to view through my sergeants' facebook (from Arty Institute (AI), not BMT) and here comes 1 of them who happened to be in the same church as me. As I continue to read on his blog, focusing onto his walk with God especially during his NS life, somehow I feel encouraged and inspired...
I feel that God has a great purpose in placing me in AI and not other army units. In BMT, God only revealed to me a small portion of it, but when comes to AI, this is when God wants to show me great examples of my fellow brothers-in-Christ who really live up to their Christian values despite of how positive/negative examples of their personal character can be. More details of this I will say it here after my next bookout after the confinement weekend.
Well... As for the confinement weekend, I learn to take it positively. I will be confined with 1 of my coursemate but different bunk. Though I may spend in my bunk alone especially at night and will feel very lonely, I know that God is with me and He will not leave nor forsake me, and His presence will be always there for me. This is also the best time that I will spend a peaceful quiet time with God, seeking after Him, and just wanna dwell into His presence..
Alright.. I shall go bathing and set off to camp le... Blog again 2 weeks later...
Victor Lim
Sunday, January 03, 20107:12 PM
Entering Into Year 2010I thank God for today's message/sermon during the service just now in the morning by Pst Tan. He really preached an awesome message about this new Year 2010. Out of the 3 important points that he shared, 1 of which he talks about forgetting the things of the past, and he shared this verse which hits me really damn hard, in Isaiah 43:18, in NIV version, it says "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.", and he also shared another verse along that line, in Philippians 3:13-14, in NLT version, it says "No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.". Well... for a moment, I paused, and really ask myself this question, i.e., whether am I willing to TOTALLY forget all the past bad moments and memories that I have, and really looking forward to what lies ahead in Year 2010 that God has instilled for me?

Well... Sometimes I wonder whether the race of life for me is as fast as this F1 car above in the photo?? (Photo taken during last year 2009's F1 night race)
And before I close off this blog entry and going for a bath before I book in to my camp, times when I am really feeling very down or faithless, sometimes I don't know whether I really live my life upon this verse above.... God I pray, that this year, let me once again really (3x) believe 100% totally, that through You, all things are possible to those who believe in Christ Jesus. Amen. (Photo taken during Year 2008 Christmas season outside Tangs Plaza)
Victor Lim
Saturday, January 02, 20101:52 PM
Transiting to Year 2010By right, I should be feeling good to end off Year 2009, but end up this time I feeling the opposite way round.. In my whole life I never feel drunk before, but this time it marks my 1st time in doing so, at least sub-consciously drunk.. 2 very most sway things happened on the last day of Year 2009, 1 of which mp3 tio confiscated + need to write statement + disciplinary actions (hopefully it's just confinement), another one in which $50 will be gone cos of the camp pass (not lost, but broken!).
On that night, supposingly to have countdown with CG, but end up was told that the plan was cancelled, and I really felt super sianz 1/2. End up I met with 1 of my very good CG friend + 1 of his friends for dinner and countdown at pub thereafter. 3 person shared 2 jugs of Tiger Beer, and for the first time, as a very passive and noob drinker, I just felt like drinking even more and after that found myself swaying to left and right, feeling kinda unconscious.. Thank God that I still can control after that and being able to cross the road feeling conscious at that moment till after crossing it.
I really thought at first after drinking, I can totally let go of all these unhappy and "sway" events that happened, but end up I was wrong... The next day which is yesterday, I really literately rot at home for the whole day with my face in front of my laptop screen, just wasting my time away.. Felt that I still can't totally let go of everything and move on, and felt like going for drinking somemore, but somehow, God has reminded me in 1 Corinthians 6:19, that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I shouldn't harm my body just like that..
Transiting to Year 2010, although I haven't set my resolution for this year, but I really wanna believe that this year will be a greater and better year in which through Christ, I will excel well in the various aspects of my life, and 1 thing for sure is that each and every single year, I tell myself that I really want to grow more stronger and deeper in my Christian walk, but whether how stronger and deeper, that will be another question...
Right now... I'm really lost in words to type it here... I really don't want to think anything further and just let the peace of God come into my heart.......
Before ending off, just wanna wish everyone a Happy and Blessed Year 2010!
Victor Lim