Tuesday, September 22, 2009

11:56 PM

No one is perfect in this world..

Yeap... That's with exception of God and His only Son...

Always when I wanna blog about some good things which I blogged till halfway, when I wanna continue it, there is bound to have something at least to stop me from doing that...

Anyway, in this case, there is really a big negative happening around the bus community, but I shall NOT talk anything much about it... What I really wanna say is that in this world, we can't satisfy everyone's (and I mean ALL) expectations and agree with their thoughts etc... This world is really imperfect... Let alone bus community which is a good example.. People have their own reasons to "shoot" or say something unpleasant in a particular way, but not everyone sees the intention and the motive.. and even if they see it, they may not fully understand and treat it with a positive approach... Yes.. Some people maybe too sensitive about certain issues or even certain words, but well.........................

As what 1 of my bus enthusiast friends said to me... " 做好人真难啊!" (In English it means being a nice person is really hard)

Yes... I agree.. and sometimes it may be hard for me to forgive certain people and forget about their past mistakes (and sins as Christians put it this way). For me, I just wanna love the people but hate the sin... As believers of Christ, I believe that all of us are imperfect (me included), and at times, it is because of the various sins that they have, which makes people around them hate them, but in actual fact, I believe that the person itself is innocent, but not the sins that they have.

Sometimes it is really quite a sad thing for me to see such things happening around, when at times they don't wish to have it, and they are the victims when the sin (or rather the devil in Christian context), is the culprit.. Personally I have seen it (and perhaps experience it too?) quite a lot of times, and I pray, especially for my NS, that this kind of things will minimise.

Times when I have made grave mistakes to others, and vice-versa in this case, I find that it is really important for us to still be able to forgive others. Although it may be hard in this case, but these 3 verses from the Bible somehow encourages me, and I hope it encourages you too...

Colossians 3:12-14 (New Living Translation)

12 Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 13 Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. 14 Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.

It is clearly stated already so I just emphasis it in bold and color...

Especially to the believers, let us do some reflection shall we?

- Victor

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Victor Lim