Sunday, January 17, 2010

8:10 PM

Some thoughts again

As I am spending my final few minutes at home before I gonna miss home, friends outside army, cell group and church service + fellowship for 1 week, I happened to view through my sergeants' facebook (from Arty Institute (AI), not BMT) and here comes 1 of them who happened to be in the same church as me. As I continue to read on his blog, focusing onto his walk with God especially during his NS life, somehow I feel encouraged and inspired...

I feel that God has a great purpose in placing me in AI and not other army units. In BMT, God only revealed to me a small portion of it, but when comes to AI, this is when God wants to show me great examples of my fellow brothers-in-Christ who really live up to their Christian values despite of how positive/negative examples of their personal character can be. More details of this I will say it here after my next bookout after the confinement weekend.

Well... As for the confinement weekend, I learn to take it positively. I will be confined with 1 of my coursemate but different bunk. Though I may spend in my bunk alone especially at night and will feel very lonely, I know that God is with me and He will not leave nor forsake me, and His presence will be always there for me. This is also the best time that I will spend a peaceful quiet time with God, seeking after Him, and just wanna dwell into His presence..

Alright.. I shall go bathing and set off to camp le... Blog again 2 weeks later...

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Victor Lim