7:14 PM
Singapore land public transport = Cannot make it?It is damn ironic lo... The GAH-MENT keep encouraging us to make use of public transport such as buses and trains and discouraging us to make use of our own private cars,
The transport service of both bus and train operators, SBS Transit and SMRT, did not perform well. Moreover, with the yearly fare hike for both bus and train fares, by RIGHT, we SHOULD expect BETTER services from them... In the end, especially for SMRT, it's damn !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*(). Period.
Those staying in SMRT territory area for buses, you should understand better how I feel right now.. Those staying in SBS Transit territory area for buses, you all should OUGHT to be GRATEFUL for the good services that SBS Transit has provided to you...
First, SBS Transit provides you with something called "IRIS", which simply stands for "Intelligence Road Information System", which allows you to find out when is the next bus estimated arrival time.
SMRT lehz? They asked you to wait as long as possible for their buses (trains are not spared too!). They really want to make sure at almost ALL times of the day (especially at NIGHT), their buses would packed to the brim with passengers... Service 960 during Fridays and Saturdays is a very good example.. ** Sorry if I seem to be a bit racist here... ** Poor Indians & Banglas at Little India MRT Station bus stop (towards Woodlands) would have to squeeze (or sometimes NOT being able to board it) inside the bus. I called it the Bangla service, so whenever I said this to you all that I am taking Bangla service, you know which service I am refering to...
Second, SBS Transit provides you with E-TIMETABLES for some of the services.
SMRT lehz? They asked you to sit down or stand up at the bus stop to wait as long as possible, and when the bus come, TRY to squeeze in whenever you can, and if you cannot squeeze inside, too bad, wait for a few more buses and TRY again... I have experienced it on the Bangla service for about an hour at Little India MRT Station from 10pm++ to 11pm++..
There are MORE to talk about on this issue, and it can be a very debatable topic to talk about..
Till then I shall stop here and settle some other stuff le.. Not going for night training because I have some other important stuffs to settle. Cya everyone!
Labels: buses
Victor Lim