Tuesday, January 22, 2008

7:59 PM


School life...

Sometimes it's really complicated.. Especially when one has to change class every semester (and some of them even worst, change class everyday according to their modules)

Another 7 more school days to the end of this semester...

Personal wise...

Why.... I just can't seem to transform from a very-quiet to a not-so-quiet person for every semester in RP?? Is there any barrier or any factors which caused me to become like that? Or maybe some other reasons...

For every semester, classmates never failed to comment that I am a very quiet person... I always keep thinking and thinking about that... And I really want to break though the cycle of quietness...

Friendship wise (between all the 4 semester classmates so far)...

Quite a sensitive issue to talk about, and some may even get misunderstood or feel negatively when people mentioned about it..

Just for my personal ownself, I'm the type of person who is kind of sociable, friendly, kind, etc etc, and most importantly, I'm keeping myself as much as possible to stay neutral, and not having any negative thoughts about any groups/cliques of friends around me.. I just want my life to be positive, thought of my friends in a positive way, positive approach, and not having any grudge against any of my friends...

Well, as for my friends, some falls in the same category as mine, whereas some are different.. Whatever is it, as long friends around me don't have any grudge against me, or don't mind me mixing around with other groups of friends, I am very contented le.. I just want to be as neutral as possible... Although some of my friends say that it's very hard to be neutral, I will still try my best to...


Victor Lim