Tuesday, April 04, 2006

10:51 AM

For the past few days..

Saturday 1 April 2006:
- Good one.. April fool day i kena fooled by Rachel and Malcolm over the sms and HP respectively
- Rachel's one was that "According to her Service 970 driver friends, Service 920 & 921 will get back Nissan UDs buses" (My reaction: Panic, Worried)
- Malcolm's one was something like "Eh victor, have you been to Hougang today? 9900 (The new SBST Volvo B9TL Wheelchair Friendly Double Deck bus) on Service 80 with front, side and rear desto (service number plates)" (My reaction: "Har?!? Really arh? Aiya.. Wasted sia.. Never go Hougang today")
- And also some other people who fooled me using those usual normal ways..
- Accident between TIB647S on 187 (cameo) and TIB873E on 180 (perm) at around 11+ in the morning. It was Benjamin who sms me about it and i went down minutes after that to witness the accident. (And took some photos also :P)

Sunday 2 April 2006:
- Went with Rachel to board the new SBST Service 402 from Shenton Way to the new Marina South Pier and back to Shenton Way.
- Quite a nice ride and got to see the new Marina South Pier, "State of the Art" modern infrastructure.
- Evening time we went to see and witness the Project Launching Ceremony for the new Bukit Panjang Sports Complex.
- The MPs of Holland - Bukit Panjang GRC made very good speeches ;)
- I was like keep on taking my camera out and take photos :P
- After that i accompany Rachel to Bt Panjang Int and i realised that i have not met a very important person: My Bt Panjang Transport Committee Head, Mr Louis Tay
- In the end, i went back there and both of us were discussing about the Bt Panjang transport system (more of regarding bus services actually)
- And i also got that booklet which is regarding the improvements made in Bt Panjang for the past few years and the future plans also.
- When reading through it, i saw a photo of TIB839E on Service 920 (Background: Bus stop outside West View Primary School, day time, not evening time), and i was wondering "since when TIB839E kena cameo on 920 before? Not a 75/920 evening crossover as it's still looks like it's during day time when this photo was taken.

Monday 3 April 2006:
- Don't wish to talk about it because it's a boring day actually..

Tuesday 4 April 2006:
- This morning when i woke up, i watched TV news and some shows and having my breakfast at the same time. (Good, at least i don't always use my laptop without even watch TV show AT ALL! Keep it up!)
- Because of that, during commercial period i happened to know that tonight Channel 5 has 2 good shows to watch. 1 is the one regarding some local food stuff at 8pm and following that will be "Police and Thieve" show at 8:30pm, i have decided that for tonight's extra TKD training at Blk 630 Senja Rd(Senja Grand), i will NOT go for it and i will watch TV instead :P
- Later in the afternoon i am going to Woodlands Regional Interchange to find 1 of my driver friends.

Okie.. Will update more when i have time for it ;) Got to go for a bath and go to Bt Panjang Plaza for my lunch. Why Bt Panjang Plaza for today? Because Rachel just told me through sms that TIB905Y on Service 975. Such a rare cameo i will sure catch for it. At least to take photo of it :P Okie.. Cya ppl.. Tc wohz.. ;)

Victor Lim