Sunday, March 26, 2006

4:38 PM

Poly life's gonna start le..

Haiz.. Time flies very fast.. For a moment, i'm in Secondary School days.. For a moment, i'm now about to proceed further for my poly studies at Rupublic Poly (RP). Those days ar.. Haiz...

Once my poly term starts, i won't be that as free as what i'm now le.. As for my San Shou ar, i dunno whether i still have time for that le.. Cos i dunno whether will i be very busy for that or not.. As for now, what i've planned is that i most probably will be going to skip for my San Shou, as for TKD, still under my consideration.. Got time den i go for TKD.. As for bus arh, of course it will still continues on.. Cos horz that's my main interest/hobby.. :P

Okie.. Will update my blog when i'm free again :D cya ppl ;)

Victor Lim