Wednesday, December 10, 2008

4:39 PM

Hello Mr Wee Kah Huat!

This blog post is dedicated to our very dearest (er pui!) IT Security and Management module chair, Mr Wee Kah Huat. 

As all of us know (especially those who are/were taught by him before), that he is well famous for giving his students a "F" grade to his students even if they come for his lesson for the whole day, and anyhow mark his students' attendance as "NIFM" which simply stands for "Not In 1st Meeting" when it's the fact that they came before the 1st meeting ends.. This happens every now and then, and he still happily give his students as many "F" grades as possible so that they would FAIL his module and make them repeat the module AGAIN.. What's more, currently he is the MODULE CHAIR for C235 IT Security and Management. Who knows he will just anyhow edit and change the grades even for other students that are not taught by him and give a lot of excuses (especially moderation). So what if he is the module chair? Module chair has the power to ANYHOW give students as many "F" grade as possible?

This time I really want to make sure that the whole world knows about the 賤人 aka Mr Wee Kah Huat, what "FABULOUS" things he has done to make himself feel PROUD and FAMOUS for the WRONG reason!! Darn...

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Victor Lim