Friday, March 14, 2008

1:09 PM

The fate for my dearest TIB1062Y on WLDEP 700 & 700A..

*** Disclamer ***

Photos that has the copyright tag of either TIB1062Y or TIB967T belongs to ME, myself and I.


TIB1062Y serving its last Saturday of the glory days with Guardian ad on Service 700A before it's removed and became naked with SMRT livery 5 days after that on Thursday..

© Victor Lim Wei Liang

Well well... 23th March 2008 is approaching soon... Just in about a week's time..

It will definitely lose its only WLDEP bendy bus business class status for sure, because after that no WLDEP bendies service will pass by Shenton Way...

But the question is, will it be redeployed to some other WLDEP services (hopefully NOT Service 960 or 980 for those who know what I mean..)? Or will it undergo depot transfer from WLDEP to KJDEP and remain on Service 700? Well.. ** pray pray **

Currently, TIB1062Y has a quite well balanced air-con temperature (meaning not too hot or not too cold), clean interior and exterior with the representative SL (Service Leader) of Service 700 leading a good example to take care and maintain the bus well, and he likes to play around with the Neutral gear cruising along PIE and BKE... (will greatly miss his driving skills a lot after 23th March 2008)

But.. I also don't want my dearest favourite WLDEP bendy bus, TIB1062Y, to be treated badly just like the interior of TIB1152X (the photos which I just posted a few entries back) or as dirty and badly maintained with the sufferings of KJDEP technician team and SLs... Haiz...

Well... For a moment, let's recall back its glory days of TIB1062Y cameo-ing on other WLDEP services, such as...

Service 960 (The most common ones among other WLDEP services)

The glory days of Guardian on Service 960

(Just quite recent this year, taken at Pending Rd bus stop)

On Service 913E

The glory days of Guardian on Service 913E.. (Sorry for poor shots as I was still very noob then..)

On its perm service..

(During the glory days of Guardian, before amendment to ply Pending Rd and Petir Rd, taken at Bt Panjang Rd bus stop)

(After the ad was removed and the date is on my copyright tag itself, after the amendment to ply Pending Rd and Petir Rd, taken at Pending Rd bus stop)

(After the ad was removed and the date is on my copyright tag itself, before the amendment to ply Pending Rd and Petir Rd, taken at Bt Panjang Rd bus stop)


Victor Lim