11:26 PM
Should I Or Should I Not Join Basketball???At this hour, i'm still at BPJ Plaza Macdonald, don't wish to go back home that early after my martial arts training as my mood doesn't seem to be good now.. Haiz.. I got 2 things which i wish to mention it here.. First is with regards to whether i should really join the school basketball IG/team and second is with regards to my previous class, W26L..
Now here comes the first thing. Personally, i really feel that i am too weak and not fit to be in the school team.. I got a few reasons behind it. First is because of my damn lousy ass stamina.. Really.. Still call myself a guy when i can't even tahan for at least 4 half-court matches.. All my other friends are able to tahan for quite a long time except me.. I really find myself such a weakling asshole man.. Second is because of my stiff body/shoulder which caused me to encounter a lot of difficulties not only for basketball but also on other sports such as swimming and martial arts. Haiz.. Everytime when my friends ask me to relax my body, i am not able to do so.. What a failure am I.. Yesterday when i played basketball with Hong Sheng, he's the one that really encourage me a lot to learn more when i really join the school team/IG with him because he's also finding at least a companion to join basketball with him.. Just now on MSN i asked Sheryl for the basketball training schedule for guys then she said it's on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Hmm i will discuss it with Hong Sheng tomorrow first then i will further make a final decision as to whether to join the school team or not..
Secondly it's regarding to my previous class, W26L.. This one i really want to haiz... Really.. Yes, we all changed to our new class le.. But then we must also remembered that we should socialize with our new classmates and try to have lunch with them and make use of this time to share what we wish to share just like how we did for W26L during the first few weeks.. Some people i find that they just really cannot understand my feelings well.. As i already told you guys, I SAID THAT W16L IS BETTER THAN W26L, DOESN'T MEAN THAT W26L NO GOOD, USELESS, ALL BAD PEOPLE, etc etc etc, whatever bad or negative comments that you all assume.. Really.. you guys sounded as if i'm very bad, talk or comment anything negative about W26L.. I REALLY DIDN'T MEAN THAT.. Some people just take this too seriously to their heart and then anyhow spread negative around..
After writing all these things, i do really hope that you people (W16L) can be more undertsand towards me better. Haiz.. Till then i end my entry here and i should catch my last bus from Bt Panjang Plaza to my house at Pending Rd..
Victor Lim