Monday, June 08, 2009

9:11 PM

South West CDC

Yeap... It has been months since I last touch this blog, and I have just changed my blog address again because my previous blog address is simply too lengthy...

Time flies...

1 more week and it would be the my 4th month in South West CDC. These 4 months, went through ups and downs, from the best treatment to the worst treatment which I got from different colleagues and temp staffs. Life for me in South West CDC was pretty bored until the interns from various universities (majority ones are from Nanyang Business School in NTU). Just last Friday, we (all the interns and I) went to celebrate their 1 month anniversary in South West CDC, and had a great time with the "great" F&B services. Another 1 month ++ more and they will be back to their various school for their new semesters, and I wonder how will my life be without them around *sad sad*.

** Just feels like sharing some thoughts I had at workplace **

I came South West CDC (through a agency) to work as a temp staff (under Corporate Management side) until somewhere before I go for NS in 7th October 2009. By right, temp staff's responsibility should be not as intensive as the perm staffs. At first when I came in, it's still alright, as in the workload.

Over time, I started to have more and more responsibilties and workload to do, and starting to acting like a perm staff instead. I tahan that until one not-fine Wednesday (after the interns came in), when I feel that this is not going to work on me anymore, I just voice it out to other perm staffs aka collegues especially to neighbouring department aka Project Management side. Thereafter a particular colleague at their side also feels that 1 of my particular "boss" (cos I got more than 1 "boss") (what I am refering to right now is the lowest rank for perm staffs) kept bullying me.

This is when the drama scene started. My bigger boss saw me feeling so down and asking me whether I am ok or not, and I voice it all out to her. Thereafter, me, together with the affected parties, kena called out for meetings which last for a few hours. And I swear, this is the ever 1st time that I weeped in office, because I felt so broke down and bullied by my lowest rank "boss". This is how politics can affect me badly to this kind of extent, at least in government sector.

Thereafter, more colleagues + the interns starting to know more about how she has treated me, and some of them shared their past experiences with her to me, my bigger boss included.

Nowadays, my job scope and workload is getting more and more sai kang, and at times (because the store for collaterals has been shifted to IMM) I have to go to IMM to get heavy and bulky stuff back when various colleagues requested it for their events. The best thing is that my lowest rank aka bully "boss" asked me to go to IMM for 2 times for just 1 person's requested stuff because she doesn't want me to take taxi but to take the IMM shuttle bus instead. I hack care what she say and insist on taking taxi... At most I incurred $5++ for the taxi fare rather than following her advice and waste more time!

Thankfully, there are a few events which I get the chance to go down to help out with some of the interns as well, which i can learn new things and gain more exposures from there rather than just SITTING IN THE OFFICE AND DO ALL THE SAI KANG STUFFS!!!

Do all the sai kang stuffs is one thing, the fact that my pay is freaking low shows that my workload is NOT justifiable. At least make me a useful person by learning useful stuffs, rather than just SAI KANGs, SAI KANGs, and MORE SAI KANGs!!!! **angry level to the max**

Currently, it is not as bad, but within the next few months till the last day of this job for me, I can't imagine what else negative happening will happen to me, especially with that particular bully "boss" around... I tried to improve my attitude towards her, but well... I don't know how long this can last, as in my patience level also...

Wish that I can find some of my colleagues to share all my working sorrows with especially those who knows about that bully "boss" well...


Victor Lim