9:24 AM
Sickening P-R-O-G-R-A-M-M-I-N-G piece of SHIT!!Fuck the programming.. So sickening it makes me damn sleepy and NOT interested.. How I wish this freaking ass module can end IMMEDIATELY... Still have to tahan 8 more weeks for this freaking module to complete.. (Total 16 weeks)..
I just wish I could just forget everything about
P-R-O-G-R-A-M-M-I-N-G!!! Sickening piece of shit.. What a damn nice RP la.. The only P-O-L-Y-T-E-C-H-N-I-C in Singapore which has no such thing called "School of Business".. What a crap... None of the business related modules in RP is really a business-orientated module... Sickening... Choose business module still need to tahan this freaking programming.. This is damn *toot* la...
In the first place, I don't choose this module in RP because I love dealing with computer stuff... And especially my parents, during the course selection, keep on asking me to choose those IT related ones, say I like computer stuffs a lot.. Let me tell you this straight, although no doubt I like computer stuffs, but TOO MUCH of it will make me VERY CRAZY!! Hear that you people!! Damn du lan now... Now, while everyone's doing their PROGRAMMING work, I'm sitting down blogging away... How i wish I can chabot for every PROGRAMMING lessons but this is not the way in RP if I want to survive well over there...
Now, I don't even have time to update my past few days happening simply because either I'm too busy outside or I'm too tired at home at night..
And hence i named my blog address this way (apply to me most or even all of the time..) -_-"
Victor Lim