4:39 PM
Part 2...Okie.. Here am i, at National Library now.. Pon school today again halfway just because of my laptop problem issues.. Ok.. don't talk about that anymore.. Make me feel so du lan, so fed up.. Fine lo.. The IT Helpdesk people really want to test my patience, let them be!!
Coming back to the topic..
Past 2 days, when i random click on some of my friends link in Friendster, i happened to see 1 of my senior's friendster link, and through there, i visited his blog. Inside his blog, when i read through every single of his blog entry, it really makes me thinking back of the good old memories during my secondary school days.. Haiz.. How i wish i can really go back to the past.. Now, as we move along to our next chapter of our lives which is the poly days, i seldom get in touch with my secondary school classmates (especially my very own good buddies i have, like Zhen Sheng, Zhi Wei etc etc..). Maybe this is because of the fact that i'm pursuing my diploma in Republic Polytechnic whereas most of my friends are all in Ngee Ann Poly instead.. Seriously, i really miss those times where we study, play, and going out with them, especially when i had a heart-to-heart chatting session with Zhen Sheng in the middle of the night and voice out our personal problems. I really treasured that session with him very much, this is because of the fact that he has helped me a lot in improving myself and eventually changing my life to a better one from that day onwards. Yes.. Those were the good old times..
Currently it's raining over here (Bugis, Suntec, Raffles Place that area), and when i look outside the windows, i can see the scenery building of Suntec City and Esplanade, together with the rain which makes my mood feel even more moody and keep on thinking back of the past.. I still remembered the beginning of the Semester 1 of Year 2006 whereby i happened to saw them at BPJ Plaza MacDonald and all of us were using our laptops for our school assignment stuffs, and we were chatting about our initial life in our various polys and some other stuffs..
I do really hope that these good old memories would come back in this new year 2007.. A new year, a new beginning, i do really hope that we will find some time to meet up together to get in touch with one another.. Can be for chatting, playing pool (still remembered those times at Bt Timah Plaza, the top level one), and some other stuffs like going for movie etc etc.. Stepping inside our poly life doesn't mean we would neglect one another in terms of friendship and some other stuffs, right guys? Once a week or month of meeting up together will make a difference, i.e, to strengthen our friendship bonding..
Okay.. Next thing i get inspired by this senior of mine's blog is the goals that he has.. It really reminds me of the times i have in VE (for late 2006).. In VE, they also talking about the goals that we want to set, to achieve them as fast as possible.. I still remembered in the initial days of joining VE which i have set a goal for myself which is to achieve the car incentives by Year 3 of my poly life which is about 1 year ++ from now.. And for the past 2 months or more, i have been slacking away, keep on using "spotting bus, take photo of buses", "going out with poly friends most of the time" as an excuse.. What's really wrong with me?? Yes, i know being in this newly industry is very hard in the pioneer years, where VE has started in 2000 with no office at all.. Faced a lot of objections in this industry, somemore it's from my relatives, my family, even my teachers also.. Sometimes i just keep on asking myself these questions:
When will ever be the day when i can get to
1. Wear blazer with my formal smart attire? (question not that direct, but the feeling is very direct)
2. Hit the car incentives? So that i can get to drive the car which i desired for.
3. Hit black belt in Wushu.
4. Really depend on myself for expenses and even give parents $$$?
5. Master the professional skills of photography? So that i can take photos of nice scenery shot (especially at night) and of course, the buses!!
6. Hit at least $1k in my personal bank account?
7. Get to travel overseas without worrying too much in terms of expenses? (especially to places like Hong Kong, Sydney, Australia and some other nice places)
8. Become very professional in terms of Basketball skills (people like Zhi Wei and Zhen Sheng)
9. Become at least a decent swimmer who at least i can float in swimming pools and seas? so that from there i can venture out to sea sport activities such as kayaking, and also to be able to cope well for NS too!
Actually, there's more questions to come, but this is the top few which i wish/want to prioritize on. As you can see, the goals are not actually just solely related to business, sales and marketing, it can also be in other forms which are all of my interests as well. We only get to live once in this world, (somemore less than 100 years in average) so we must make full use of ourselves to do something which we really really desire for before we don't even get to have the 2nd chance to live in this world (which i do really hope so). DON'T because of the objections around us (especially our parents, in most case is mother one) that caused us to change our lives which will only caused UNHAPPINESS and REGRETS. As i said in my previous blogs from the late 2004 onwards, sometimes their generation just don't understand ours.. Most typical and practical example would be the study one.. Always keep on "nagging" and "scolded" us to study and study and study ONLY!! They would say things like "aiya, that one (which is what we desired for, for my case is the newly industry which i mentioned) can wait until you finish study first.." and "come on, stop doing all those stuffs (which is also what we desired for) and get on to your studies, and after finish studying, get a DECENT job (which is those 8 to 5 [8am to 5pm] kind of job)." Seriously speaking, do you ever think that you can achieve all your goals when your monthly salary is just merely less than $3k per month?? Somemore with this stressful society and the high expenses in Singapore..
Okay.. Talking for so much, i also do really hope that it's not NATO (No Action, Talk Only), but at the same time, it do really requires a period of time. Now the question is "How long is your 'period of time'? How many days or months or even years is your 'period of time'?"
Okay i shall end this blog entry here.. Gonna catch the only Service 700 bendy bus (for evening peak) back home.. Cya guys around.. =) Take care wohz!~
Victor Lim