11:17 AM
Unexpected disastersSome say that the World is coming to an end soon...
Well... for the past few weeks, unexpected disasters have been happening around, especially in China and Myanmar. I hope most of you are aware of these 2 unexpectedly and deadly disasters... Attended the GDOP (Global Day of Prayer) last Sunday and they got mentioned about it... And we as Singaporeans living in our safe country, we should be feeling very fortunate and blessed.. Throughout all these years, our neighboring countries have been experiencing disasters, such as the Tsunami in Indonesia and all the usual flooding and famines everywhere around us, and our safe country, Singapore, managed to escape from all of them... Thank God for the safe location that Singapore has...
It's truly a painful and heart-breaking thing for me (and for all of you here also?) to see such disasters happening around, and countless innocent lives were lost just like that... Thank God that we have kind soul to be sent out to these affected countries to save as many innocent lives as possible...
Perhaps in our quiet time, we can pray for the world's peace, especially in Asia whereby even disasters can happen around us... The world is dying, and we will do all our best to salvage the situation... What SMRT has implemented (The "Go Green With SMRT") is definitely the right time.. Although I may have condemned SMRT a lot in the past because of the well-known poor services that SMRT has brought to us, but definitely, this campaign is definitely going to make us feel proud and honored of it.. Being the 1st in the whole of SEA (South-East-Asia) to implement Euro V buses (Euro 5), I finally have a good impression of SMRT for once, for what they have done...
Speaking of which, Saw Phaik Hwa (The CEO of SMRT) has promised that the new Mercedes Benz O.500LE Euro 5 bus is going to be on the road by today, but until now, still no news to it.. At least please don't make me and my bus enthusiast friends to be disappointed about it.. Broken promise that the CEO has brought to us..
Hope you guys here will be able to appreciate that all of us live in such a safe place and not whining here and there.. And do whatever you can to save the world..
May God bless those poor victims over at Myanmar and China..
Victor Lim