Saturday, March 01, 2008

11:18 PM

A week of ups and downs..

Due to some negative stuff happening around, in particularly, work, which makes me feel so depressed and lost over the past few days.. The data entry job also somehow is a con/scam kind of thing, which con my $25 for it... But all the while, God has indeed gave me directions, whenever I seek for it.. Thank God that I have a job for the month of March from PC again, this time at Senoko instead of Tampines, see whether which SMRT service will be my best friend for the month of March... 856? 981? 169? 980? Pray hard that the timings will be as flexible as the February one.. =)

It's until yesterday evening when I went back to Expo Hall 1 to help out in the chair arrangements which cheers my mood up.. Probably because the spiritual atmosphere was there (although the air-con was not switched on and made all of us sweat inside the hall), in the holy presence of God who came into my life and brighten up my day, and making new friends in usher ministry who I never ever talked to before previously.. Yesterday was pretty lucky, end everything by 9pm++ and we went to the nearby foodcourt at Hall 5 area to have our dinner, and then we made our way back home..

This afternoon's cell meeting was a very different one, in a sense that instead of the usual preaching, we would break up in pairs, to really spend the time to pray for one another, give a word to one another, the one that we prayed for. This is my 2nd time going through it, and this time is Kai Lin. (previously was Chun Yee) After she prayed for me, it's my turn to pray for her and at first I felt quite nervous, until she asked me to calm down and relax myself, and I prayed for her.. =)

Tomorrow service will be a great one for sure! F.I.R's coming for the service and I believe KP, XY and probably Isaac will enjoy it for sure! Shall not say anything much le... Quite tired and I need to wake up early tomorrow.

Cya guys around and take care =) God bless!

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Victor Lim